Holiday Masterclasses & Workshops
Ages 6 – 18
Firstly, you don’t have to be a member of SYT to benefit from our amazing holiday offerings!
Whether it’s Half Term, Easter or Summer Holiday’s, SYT offer great workshops and Masterclasses to satisfy every palette.
Workshops are generally held in Worthing and are open to students aged 6 – 18.
Meet new friends, gain confidence and learn some new skills.
We have offered many over the years including:
Shakespeare Fun Day
How To Get Into Show Business
West End Workshop
TV and Film Technique Workshop
Serious Acting For Serious Actors
Comedy and Tragedy
Magic and Special FX
Directing, Producing and Surviving
Speech Production, Elocution and Presentation
Presenting For Stage And Camera
How to Be A YouTuber
Stage Fighting
Mime and Mask
If you would like to be informed of our Workshop and Masterclass days, please fill in the form below or contact Mitch on 01903 602 815 | 07788 497 779